Accreditations and certifications


International Preschool Curriculum (IPC) was established as the world’s first international preschool program with the objective of raising world standards in preschool education and better-preparing children for primary or elementary schooling years. The International Preschool Curriculum consists of thematic units. All units encompass six trans-disciplinary content learning areas as below: 

Language Arts 

We aim to improve our children’s literacy at the earliest stage… The six language arts are reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and visual representation, all of which are highly related to one another. Our curriculum and daily activities are mainly based to cover these six language arts to reach the highest levels of literacy skills. 


Our curriculum numeracy skills involve understanding numbers, counting, solving number problems, measuring, sorting, noticing patterns, learning time, adding and subtracting numbers. 

Socio-Emotional Development 

In this area of development, we always aim to teach our children how to interact with other people, how to express their needs and desires, how to understand and control their own emotions. Babies start to develop relationships with the people around them right from birth, but the process of learning to communicate, share, and interact with others takes many years to develop and this is mainly our target from the early stages. 

Motor Skills 

Motor Development is important for our children’s overall development. It is a crucial way in which they learn and develop physically and cognitively by aiding in self-confidence, hand-eye coordination, balance, and giving them a sense of their own abilities. Our daily fine and gross motor skills are highly based on enhancing our children’s smaller muscles as well as the entire body. 


Through regular exploration and discussion, Our preschoolers learn that science is part of their lives and that it’s a lot of fun. Our science curriculum is full of concepts, experiments, and observations. 

Creative Arts 

In our creative arts sessions, we do engage our children’s imagination through music, visual arts, movement and dance, drama and storytelling. Our goal is to engage the children across all domains; cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical.